Donate Now

DNA Justice Project is built on the generous donations and contributions of others. Our efforts to educate the public and policy makers on the power of forensic DNA and DNA technology to provide justice, prevent crimes and exonerate the innocent depends on these contributions and we are so incredibly grateful.

As a 501(c)(4) association, donations are not deductible on your taxes. Due to IRS rules, we may not claim that funds are deductible if we use the donations for legislative advocacy.

Clearly, legislative advocacy is the cornerstone of this association’s purpose. We do hope you will consider a donation, no matter how small, that we can use in our efforts to correspond with and educate state lawmakers. Your donations will make possible: in person meetings and presentations to State Legislators, travel to states where legislation is needed, maintenance and updates to, and more. Please call +1 (949) 295-4852 with any questions. We are forever grateful for your support to make our communities safer and more just.

Thank you for your consideration. Should you choose to make a donation, please click the link below or checks can be made payable to DNA Justice Project and sent to:

DNA Justice Project

PO Box 5087

Austin, Texas 78763
